About Registration
Just register totally free, in our platform, filling in our form.
Yes. You only have to choose between one of our plans and make the corresponding payment for the space you wish to use.
Your membership is absolutely free, as VIP Locker does not charge a monthly nor an annual fee. You will only pay for the service you use it. For example, if you travel once a year, you will pay only once.
Yes. Your account details can always be modified with the exception of the Name, Surname, electronic mail and date of birth.
Step 1: Verify, in your VIP Locker profile, that your e-mail address is written correctly.
Step 2: Check your Spam tray, as notifications could drop there.
Step 3: If after performing steps 1 and 2 the problem still persists, contact us, through our email link or our customer service telephone number.
- Insufficient funds.
- The payment provider has put a stop or a block on your funds.
- The type of payment has expired.
- The security code is incorrect.
- Credit cards, such as American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, Discover among others.
- Debit cards, as long as your provider is compatible with international online transactions.
- PayPal for most countries. Contact us to confirm if PayPal is available in your country.
- Transfers which will generate a $ 12 surcharge. Contact us to receive information on the account and payment instructions. You can contact your travel agent or hotel to serve as a VIP Locker link so you can use our services through them.
No. VIP Locker is a company established in the United States, so the billing currency will always be US dollars (USD $).
On the measuring unit: cubic feet (ft³)
The symbol ft³ refers to cubic feet, an international measure used in the handling of the volume of shipments and storage.
Most online shops provide information on their products’ shipment dimensions. Length x Width x Hight (L – W – H) The formula to make the calculation is:
Cubic Feet (ft³) = L x W x H
Bags, Sling, Bags, Hand Bag Day

Up to 16” (40 cm)
1 FT3
Carry on Luggage, Duffels, Backpacks

Up to 22” (55 cm)
2.5 FT3

Up to 27” (70 cm)
5 FT3
Wheeled Luggage xl, Duffels, etc.

Up to 32” (80 cm)
8 FT3