Why use VIP Locker?
By offering the best service, managed by qualified personnel, receiving, safeguarding and delivering your online purchases and your luggage or other objects in South Florida, VIP Locker is your logistic support within the United States.

- Manage the reception, storage and delivery of your purchases by centralizing them on the VIP Locker web platform.
- Carry out your online purchases without the trouble of going through shopping centres and reducing the risks involved in handling products.
- Receive inside or outside the US and at the place you indicate, your consolidated purchases, luggage or other objects.
- Use our security system integrated by video cameras 24/7 in a low risk location in the city of Doral.
- Check the reception of your VIP Locker packages with the peace of mind that your purchases are in good hands.
- Validate the contents of your packages, if you deem it convenient.
- Move freely during your trip through the United States when you store your purchases, luggage or other objects with us.
- Earn extra time during your trip, avoiding carrying and handling your purchases, luggage or other objects during your stay in North American territory.
- Centralize the safekeeping of your purchases and luggage in the same place and avoid traveling to different geographical points to collect your belongings. Keep in mind that you can also request their shipment.
- Save on travel, lodging and shipping expenses when ordering online and withdrawing merchandise with VIP Locker.
- Make the most out of the advantageous offers and promotions offered by electronic commerce.
- Save time spent on your shopping so as to focus your trip on what is really important: business and / or pleasure.